Yesterday I went to the Bamboo School. It is near the Thailand and Myanmar (Burma) border. They study three languages; English, Thai, and Karen.
The buildings are made of bamboo from the jungle. One building I saw was made by three people who cut down 1,000 bamboo poles!
The boys and girls are learning about Jesus through their daily worship, play, and work. Some children lost their mommy or daddy in the war. Other kids are orphans.
Instead of having water from a faucet, the boys and girls had to carry their water up the hill from the village well.
My family & friends gave out Christmas presents to the students - toothbrushes and toothpaste, candy and chocolate milk. The children sang Christmas songs for us. The boys and girls said, "Thank you" to me when I have them these small gifts.
I felt happy when I gave the gifts to the boys and girls at this school.