Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Cool Cave

Today I explored an underground cave. It had natural air conditioning! I had to go down ladders to reach the different rooms. One interesting rock I saw was the glittering and sparkling crystals. I also saw stalactites, and stalagmites! Stalactites grow down and stalagmites grow up from the floor. In in this cave I also saw a column - this is when a stalactite and stalagmite grow together! It was a glorious sight!

We went caving (spelunking) to find the bumble bee bat. It's also named the Kitti Hog nosed bat. But we didn't find any bats living in this cave. You can go to this Wikipedia website to learn more about this bat by clicking here.

Some rocks were wet and slippery. We had to use a flash light to explore, since there was no other light.

To my blog readers:
How many caves have you visited?
One, two, three? Four or five, or maybe 100!


Ginger said...

Hi, Hannah. I'm enjoying you guys' posts. Just this last Sabbath I visited Kartchner Caverns in Arizona. Have you ever been there? It's a really neat cave. The guys who found it kept it a secret for 12 years after they found it, so other people wouldn't come and ruin it. Now they have a nice sound a light show in there. Maybe you can go see it someday.

Khun Kruu said...

I went to Carlsbad Caverns when I was a kid. We were there in the evening and watched all the bats fly out. It was pretty cool!

I have also been to a number of other caves, but mostly they're just the "tourist" caves--not the kind where you have to crawl around on your hands and knees with a lamp on your helmet! My cousin does that kind of spelunking.

I'm also enjoying your posts, so keep writing!

Mrs. Esther =)

Jacqueline Branco Lambert said...

hey, just came across your blog. we are new missionaries to Khon kaen and I have a 6 year old who has been adjusting...hmm...ok, but not really.Glad to have found someone he can relate to. He likes the questions you sometimes ask at the end of each post!