Friday, April 02, 2010

Smile, You're On Camera!

I'm working on my Pathfinder video honor. Through video, you can capture events so that other people can see them, and to record special events.

I've learned how to use different kinds of video cameras and tripods. I've learned how to balance the tripod so that it's level and even. It has a little bubble level that I have to make sure the bubble is in the middle so the tripod is balanced.

With each camera, you have to learn how to use the difference buttons and switches. Sometimes we use the camera's built in microphone. Other times we use wired or wireless microphones. We can capture the sound so that it is clear and more understandable.

Some of the places I have video taped include two concerts at a local church, a school program, evangelistic meetings, at the prison, various events at the church plants, and some seminars.

Questions for my blog readers:
  1. Is video one of your hobbies?
  2. Do you have the Pathfinder video honor?
  3. Do you know how to video tape?

1 comment:

Khun Kruu said...

I don't have the honor, but Mr. JK & I do like to create videos. In fact, my students wrote and narrated their own video about our school, and I recorded them. Then Mr. JK & I edited it and we showed it at church. It's supposed to be on our school website, but the webmaster hasn't posted it yet.