Friday, August 27, 2010

Hatching Gecko Eggs

One day my friends and I were playing in the field across from my house. I saw one tiny little white egg, about the size of a pea. It looked lonely so I took it inside our house and put it inside a bird's nest that my Dad found when we took a trip to Ayutthaya. I put the egg in the nest and then went back outside to play with my friends. I saw another little white egg laying in the dirt, so got it and went back home and put it with the other lonely little egg. I checked on the eggs every day. But then I stopped checking on them. I gave up hope on them hatching. I started saying to myself, "What if they don't hatch?" Guess what?! I looked again one day, and one egg hatched! I looked the next day and both eggs had hatched! And I said to myself, "What if I had thrown the eggs away? What would have happened to the cute baby geckos?" That would have cost the two little baby geckos lives! One lesson I learned was never give up home on small things! Because there's something big inside, even if you don't know it!
For My Blog Readers:
  1. Have you ever wanted to give up?
  2. What lessons have you learned from small things?
  3. What story could you share about a lesson you learned from being patient?


girlwithmoxy said...

post some pictures! we want to see them!

Nung-chai said...


What a great story. And a great lesson in perseverance. Somehow I missed seeing this post earlier. Anyway, I'm glad you shared it.

I remember a story we used to tell in VBS on our mission trips to Mexico about small things. We talked about how a stamp is small, but very important. The children made a little craft from old postage stamps we collected.

Keep posting on your blog. I love to read it! I pray for your family much more often than I read the blog. Jesus is using you to reach people for Him.

Blessings to you and your family.
Mrs. Esther =)