Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rainy Season

Rainy season in Thailand is from June to October. And when it rains, it really rains! This year we were flooded several times. It is interesting to wake up, look out the window and your house is surrounded by water, including fish! It is kinda cool, but my mom does not like the 8 inches of water that gets into the back storage room.
Several times we could not make it out
of the house without wearing rubber boots. One day after wading to school, the school was also in a lake of water. The teachers had made a bridge out of benches to get from the road to the classrooms. We really "dove" into our studies that day.

-Has your house ever been flooded?
-Have you had fish swimming in your yard?
-Have you ever had school cancelled due to flooding?

1 comment:

Khun Kruu said...

Wow! That's a lot of rain!!! We thought it rained a lot when we were there--but never that much. When we first moved into our new house this summer, I dreamed that it flooded; but that's as close as we've gotten! I remember the fish swimming in the school yard at BAIS, but I haven't ever had fish in my yard anywhere I lived in the USA. And I've had school canceled due to snow, but not flooding. Our school here could flood if we had a hurricane, but thankfully that has never happened yet. I hope it never does. The school & houses here would be much more damaged by flooding than the buildings in Bangkok!

I'm still trying to figure out exactly where that second picture is taken. I sort of recognize it, and yet not quite. Maybe it's just because of all the water. Anyway, thanks for posting!

Mrs. Esther =)