Friday, July 19, 2013

What I saw in NYC - part 1

This summer I had a chance to visit New York City.  Here's what I saw . . .

New York City is a very interesting city.  It reminds me of Bangkok, Thailand.
NYC is a very fast moving city - people walk fast, drive fast, talk fast, eat fast, and shop fast. 

When I was in NYC with my family, we went to Bryant Park.  It was really cool  and we were also able to visit the New York Public Library.  Now that's something you got to see if you have a chance to visit NYC.  It's really cool!
My observation of New Yorkers, is that they need Jesus.  They need to slow down and really look around them for once.   Perhaps New Yorkers can care about someone around them in need.   That's why they need Jesus!  To have a heart to care about the people around them.

Questions for my blog readers

  1. Have you ever been to NYC?  What was your favorite place to visit?
  2. Share how you have you slowed down and helped someone?
  3. Have you ever gone on a trip with your family?
Thanks for sharing your experiences!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been to both NYC and Bangkok! I agree with you that they are similar. Its interesting to see how we in the States are still so lost and need God's love, we just show it in such different ways. In Bangkok the search for meaning and purpose is blatant in the Buddhist practices that are everywhere. In our modern America we show it by creating walls to keep everyone out in order to protect our hurting hearts.