Sunday, May 20, 2007

What I Miss From Home!

Guest interview with Arielle

1.) The first thing that I miss is my friends from home!

Why? Because I can be myself around them and they accept me the way I am! They know how I am. They know why I do the things I do because they do the same thing! But here my new friends don't do the same things I did back home. Most all the friends I have here I would at any time of the day, week or year rather be with my friends. Friends my age that I really like to be around are: Joelle, Jijije, and Down. I only get to see my best friend in Thailand Joelle once in a blue moon because she lives so far away! And both Jijie and Down are in another class. I can only see them on Sabbath and once in a blue moon during the week! Anyway I could go on and on about this but for your sake I will go on to # 2.

2.) My family.
I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that my family should be # 1, but the thing is that the family that is not here I only see some times any way! Anyway on to #3

3.) The food!
I really miss the food from home! But it is not as hard to live with as I most people might think! I think when I go back I'll miss the food from Thailand!

Well I think that is all I have time to type now even tho I have lots more to say!
Thank you for reading what I had to say! Just remember that God loves you no mater where you live in the world and he all ways will be there for you to talk to if you don’t have any one else to talk to! Try your best to be content where ever you are!